You’ve got the big bangers like Don’t Stop Me Know, I Want to Break Free, and, of course, Bohemian Rhapsody, as well as some softer tunes, like Who Wants to Live Forever? as well as some full-house foot stompers, like We Will Rock You. Queen automatically sits high and mighty as great, based purely on the fact it’s a game full of bloody Queen songs. If they’re great, you’ve got an instant winner with no sign of buyers remorse in sight. What really makes or breaks a karaoke game are the songs.

The more points you score, the higher you’ll sit on the online rankings – not that I cared all that much about ranking against other people this is purely a fun family game in my house and one that will get a lot of use over the holidays. The more in-key you are, the more points you’ll score. The premise is simple – you choose a song, the song plays with the official music video in the background, and you try to score as many points as possible while you wail into your microphone or your smartphone. So I’m familiar, then, and Let’s Sing Queen is a familiar experience for anyone who has played any of the previous Let’s Sing games. Way back when I was a much younger man, me, Vince, and Sam – my two best buds – stayed up one night playing Singstar Queen while we drunk boxed wine. This isn’t my first rodeo, and it’s not my first time playing a singing game based on Queen. If you’ve played a karaoke video game, you’ve played them all. That hair doesn’t pay for itself, you know. But, licensing and making sure Brian May receives his royalties are more important. And that’s a shame because, in the modern era of sharing embarrassing videos, there are more than a few to be had here. We’re also having to do the video side of the review with screenshots from the game rather than the usual run of game capture, and that’s because Let’s Sing Queen doesn’t allow you to record anything. Unfortunately, my ability didn’t meet my ambition, and it wasn’t to be. A quick note before we actually get on with the review – I took this one myself on the basis that I’d do a fun review, recreating some of the iconic scenes from Queen music videos.